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Acupuncture Sports Injury Prevention Recovery Performance

Acupuncture Sports Injury Prevention Recovery Performance


Prepare for Marathon (or Any Other Sports)? Read This First-

Why do elite runners get acupuncture treatments twice a week?

Yi Aci Clinic logoYi Aci Clinic·Nov 21, 2023

Before you embark on a memorable but gruesome journey, first and foremost, protect yourself from injury.

Rigorous running and intensive training take a toll on the body. Both sprinting and endurance running exert distinctive physical fatigue and stress. This repetitive strain tends to most heavily impact the back, hips, and legs - core areas essential for propulsion.

How do elite runners survive and thrive? They found the secret weapon-Acupuncture!

Injury Prevention - Overlooked, Acupuncture's greatest potential may lie in injury prevention.

Treats deep muscle bands.

Unlike massage or other surface muscle manipulation, acupuncture needles directly penetrate deep muscle tissue, alleviating tightness and easing strain on joints. This diminishes the likelihood of injuries and guards against compensation injuries. For example, precise treatment of deep hip muscles heightens their flexibility, facilitating relaxation and subsequently diminishing stress on joints. This optimized muscle function minimizes the risk of sprains or ligament tears.

Corrects muscle imbalances.

Imbalanced muscles can initiate a chain reaction leading to pain in muscles, joints, and tendons. To rectify these imbalances, needles are inserted into motor points and specific acupuncture points, releasing tension in myofascial tissues—the membranes surrounding and connecting muscles. By restoring muscle balance, stress on irritated areas is reduced, thereby preventing injuries.

Activates dormant muscles.

Certain muscles, such as the lateral glute muscles, commonly become inactive in runners. Acupuncture can restore the connection between these muscles and the brain. Reviving these muscles enhances pelvic stability, promoting overall balanced movement and contributing to the prevention of future injuries.

Reduces Chronic Stress.

Acupuncture provides sustained anti-stress effects, shielding against the enduring harm induced by heightened cortisol levels. Georgetown University researchers showcased this resilience in a recent study. Beyond suppressing stress-related hormonal changes, acupuncture's impact persisted for an impressive four days, a noteworthy duration compared to the shorter effects of many drugs lasting only a few hours.

Preserves Muscle Mobility.

Consistent treatments improve muscle fiber mobility, fostering smoother and more fluid motion while reducing the risk of muscle tears.

Experts suggest consistent treatment, ideally two to three times a week, or at least once a week for amateur runners, as a crucial element for both maintenance and injury prevention.

Injury Recovery - Well documented, acupuncture expedites the process of injury recovery.

Prompts self-healing.

Acupuncture has the ability to enhance blood flow and initiate healing, akin to a histamine response, triggered by the slight irritation from the needles. This process releases tight muscular restrictions, enabling the body to focus on self-healing rather than being hindered by recurring poor movement patterns caused by pain or restriction.

Targets deeply and precisely.

Acupuncture sets itself apart by precisely addressing deeper muscle tissue without causing irritation to surface muscles. This distinctive approach positions acupuncture as the most effective and direct method of treatment.

Addresses root causes.

Symptoms of pain or fatigue may manifest in areas distinct from the actual root cause. Acupuncture excels in treating the core problem, exemplified by IT band pain. Although it commonly emerges around the knee, the underlying issue resides within the entire band. By pinpointing the trigger point near the hip, we can restore balance to the entire band, resolving the problem at its source.

Approaches holistically.

In dealing with sports injuries, acupuncture adopts a holistic approach, encompassing the entire muscle and its interconnected tendons. This precision enables muscle relaxation and the restoration of natural physiological motion.

Increases Blood Flow.

Boosting local circulation to injured areas speeds nutrients and oxygen for faster healing of strains or tears.

Reduces Pain and Swelling.

Acupuncture stimulates natural anti-inflammatories for less post-injury soreness and swelling.

Relaxes Muscle Spasms.

Needling treatments release contracted muscles, easing spasms and muscle guarding after injuries.

Restores Range of Motion.

As muscles relax, joint mobility improves - allowing gentle movement to begin rehab.

Performance Enhancement - Needling your way to success.

Boosts Immune Strength.

Extensive research indicates that intense training periods elevate the risk of upper respiratory tract infections. The National Cancer Institute suggests that acupuncture can enhance your body's defense against infections by promoting white blood cell activity. While various acupoints are linked to immune regulation, the crucial aspect is receiving treatments proactively, ideally every two weeks during marathon training, to fortify your immune system before illness strikes.

Expedites Healing and Recovery.

Extensive clinical studies robustly affirm that acupuncture enhances blood circulation. Boosting blood flow to an injured area is crucial due to the healing and growth factors in the blood. Acupuncture's efficacy is particularly pronounced in healing tendons and ligaments, which exhibit 7% less blood flow than muscles. Research indicates that acupuncture can effectively reduce inflammation, offering valuable support to athletes recovering from injuries or strenuous workouts.

Diminishes Muscle Soreness and Eases Pain.

Athletes commonly experience delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following strenuous training, marked by structural damage to muscle fibers and subsequent inflammation during the tissue repair process. This often results in stiffness and muscle soreness post-exercise. Acupuncture's effectiveness in pain reduction is attributed to the release of endorphins and/or a reduction in inflammation, providing relief from the discomfort associated with intense physical activity.

Enhances Sleep Quality.

Recent clinical studies highlight acupuncture's role in promoting quality sleep, a critical factor for runners in maintaining strength, recovering effectively, and preventing illness. Despite nearly 10% of Americans suffering from chronic insomnia, acupuncture offers a unique approach. The diverse reasons for poor sleep make acupuncture highly effective, addressing root causes rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all pill solution.

Improves Mental Focus.

Targeted needling of specific points enhances concentration skills, assisting runners in achieving a heightened state of focus and entering the optimal performance zone.

Elite runners discover the power of these thin needles in the hands of a specialist and are leveraging a regular treatment protocol to reach unprecedented heights.

The exciting news is, you can join them!

All you need is a skilled acupuncturist and your commitment.

Your sports journey will become more enjoyable and rewarding.

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